We are 2 years away from the elections but that has not slowed down the clamor by politicians for political seats. Already Nyali MP Hezron Awiti has indicated that he is going to lock horns with governor Ali Hassan Joho for the governors position. Other aspirants have already announced their plans for parliamentary and county assembly positions.
None of has attracted as many aspirants as Old Town Ward. This ward is right in the city and is the location of two important sites in Mombasa, Fort Jesus and the Old Town. It is an influential ward in the history, culture and politics of Mombasa. The nominations come 2017 will be spirited and hotly contested.
However, one candidate has completely changed the game with a promise not to make promises or have a manifesto. Instead Hemed Said Hemed has promised to donate his salary to the ward in order to solve the citizens problems. He also promises to be a man of the people who will shun titles like Mheshimiwa which he says alienates the people from wananchi.
“I will be the first MCA in Kenya to refuse the Title “Mheshimiwa”. I want to be regarded as the “people’s servant. I will be elected to serve the people therefore Waheshimiwa are you the people. I am an employee not Mheshimiwa.”
In what seems to be a contradiction to his humble stance, Hemed introduces himself as his “His Highness” which is a form of address for a Prince. He states
“I his Royal Highness Hemed Said Hemed the son of Legendary retired politician and ambassador.”
Hemed elaborates on his plan for old Town in which he vows to be the first politician to demand “zero salary”. Instead, Hemed’s salary will be; “distributed to orphans, sick, poor and scholarships” He will also not make any promises or create a manifesto.
Naela Buran congratulated Hemed saying
“By doing this, it motivates, empowers and inspires the community to your vision…. you have always been a people’s person from a senior to a junior and if anyone can do it, YOU CAN. You were born to do this. Bring on the change!”
On his Facebook page “Hemed for old town ward” his supporters are enthusiastically looking forward. Messages of support and encouragement are plenty.
Patricia on the other hand challenges Hemed to do more for the residents.
“Giving money to the destitute, is like putting the carrot in front of the cart. Restore the glory. Priority is Security, schools, hospital.”
Hemed’s message is clear for would be voters.
“Sina Ahadi bali nina Vitendo”
I have no promises, only actions.