When you log onto the internet, do you fully understand your rights as an internet user? Are you aware of your right to hold opinions without interference, your right to freedom of expression and information, your right to freedom of assembly and association, your right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion? Are you aware of your right to be free from discrimination in all forms, your right to enjoy your culture, to profess and practice your religion, and even to use your language? Do you know of your economic, social and cultural rights?
Maybe you don’t. But then again, maybe you are aware that the African Declaration of Internet Rights and Freedoms affords every internet user the above mentioned rights.
We will be hosting an event on the African Declaration on Internet rights and freedoms on the 15th of December from 5pm – 8pm at the Nailab.
During this event, we will host a moderated conversation on the state of Internet Freedom in Kenya and the principles of the African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms. A video will also be screened to help develop a deeper understanding of how existing human rights apply to the Internet user in Kenya.
Many internet users stumble upon the internet and join social media platforms, unaware of their rights. Not many understand therefore that content blocking, filtering, removal and other technical limits on access to content constitute serious restrictions on freedom of expression. Fewer still understand that content filtering systems imposed by a government or commercial service provider and which are not end-user controlled are a form of prior censorship and are not justifiable as a restriction on freedom of expression
This forum will address the principles carried in the African Declaration on Internet rights and Freedoms, and will focus mainly on: Freedom of Expression, Right to Information, Freedom of Assembly and Association on the Internet, Cultural and Linguistic Diversity, Privacy, Security on the Internet and Right to Due Process.
Through this event, we hope:
- To first and foremost, create awareness on the existence of the African Declaration on Internet rights and Freedoms
- To educate internet users in Kenya their rights on the internet as Citizens
- To educate Kenyans online on the specific rights entitled to them
- To demystify each right by first finding out existing understanding of it.
- To enable Kenyans to be assertive in their quest for the right to information and the right to cultural and linguistic diversity
- To increase online dialogue from enlightened citizen on their internet rights and freedoms
This will be a chance for internet users to share their thoughts on the contents of the African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms. We hope that at the end of this event, many will leave with a better understanding of their rights online.
See you then.
Event: Internet Freedoms Citizen Education Campaign
Date: Tuesday, 15th Dec
Time: 5pm – 8pm
Venue: Bishop Magua Centre, 4th Floor, Nailab.